Regan Thibodeau of Windham, Maine has been selected as the Hamilton Relay Deaf Community Leader Award recipient for the state of Maine. Regan plays an active role in the Deaf community of Maine, participating and volunteering at events throughout the state.
Regan’s volunteer work in the community includes events such as Deaf Awareness Week, Camp Mark Seven, Maine Deaf Film Festival, Deaf Women United Conference, Deaf Members in Leadership and Iris Network’s Independence without Fear. For ASLized.org, she served on the American Sign Language (ASL) Linguistics and Literature Submission Committee for three years. She has also attended several retreats, including the Seabeck DeafBlind Retreat and New England DeafBlind Retreat.
Her volunteer leadership roles have included service as a Deaf Caucus Secretary and Vice Chair. At the Maine Registry Interpreters for the Deaf (MeRID), she has served as president and vice president as well as the Code of Professional Conduct Review Committee. She has volunteered as a staff and camper coordinator at Camp-Sign-A-Watha.
From coordinating other volunteers and staff, to helping find sponsors, her participation in Maine Deaf events are consistently top rate. She is someone who raises her hand to be of service to her community, and we are proud to present Regan with the Hamilton Relay Deaf Community Leader Award for the state of Maine.
This leadership recognition has been brought to you by Hamilton Relay.
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Hamilton Relay provides contracted Traditional Relay and Captioned Telephone services through 24 contracts to 18 states, the District of Columbia and the Island of Saipan, and is a provider of Internet-based Captioned Telephone services nationwide. More information is available at hamiltonrelay.com.