Lena Greene, alumnus and current teacher at the Rhode Island School for the Deaf (RISD), has been selected as the recipient of the Hamilton Relay 2014 Deaf Community Leader Award. Lena serves as a role model within the Deaf community, and through her leadership and willingness to share of her time and talents, has made a positive impact on the lives of children in Rhode Island who are Deaf or hard of hearing and their families.
Lena commits her time to numerous organizations, including the Deaf Advisory Council at RISD and the Rhode Island Parent Information Networks (RIPIN) Family Playgroup. She was instrumental in helping to establish the Parent Infant Partners program at RISD, and regularly meets to mentor and provide support to parents of children who are Deaf or hard of hearing, as well as parents who are Deaf that have children who hear. For the past two years, Lena has served as an American Sign Language (ASL) Family Tutor through Gallaudet University Regional Center – Northeast. She has also been an instructor at the ASL Academy in Pawtucket and often tutors her co-workers in ASL.
Lena is described by her peers as being consistently positive, always willing to share her knowledge and skills, and strongly committed to families of Deaf and hard of hearing children. Her students say she is delightful, outgoing, warm and encouraging. She is clearly a leader and role model in the community and is a vital resource to families throughout the state.
We commend Lena for her dedication and leadership and are proud to present her with the Hamilton Relay 2014 Deaf Community Leader Award for the State of Rhode Island.
This leadership recognition has been brought to you by Hamilton Relay.
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