Kay Tyberg’s whole life is about serving others. She is active helping seniors; she is a member of numerous committees and is a strong advocate for people with hearing loss. She has founded two separate chapters of Hearing Loss Association of American and is active in leading the chapter in Altoona. Kay is also a member of the HLAA-PA Advisory Council and former president of the Lycoming Chapter in Williamsport.
At the ODHH Expo in Harrisburg in November 2016, Kay set up a table specifically for the Blair County Chapter. During this Expo, she gave a presentation with Bill Best entitled, “Understanding Hard of Hearing People: A Practical Approach” which was well received by the audience. She literally spends all her days promoting hearing issues. She is active in our Walk4Hearing event and in many planning groups. She always has good ideas and is always positive. She recently led our successful outreach at the PA Farm Show, which is one of our biggest events. She is part of many different organizations and committees.
Kay is always advocating for better access for those with hearing loss. Kay is Co-Chair of the Arts and Entertainment Committee of HLAA-PA and has now printed a Survey for members and anyone with hearing loss to provide information about movie and live theater access experience in their own community.
Kay is a graduate of Gallaudet’s Peer Mentoring Program and has currently been accepted to the N-CHATT Program as well. She now serves as Chairperson of the TRS Advisory Board. Kay is also a sign language instructor. Her enthusiasm and tireless devotion to the needs of those with hearing loss are to be admired. Kay is a dynamic person and a tremendous leader for people with hearing loss.
This leadership recognition has been brought to you by Hamilton Relay. Kay will be presented with her award on June 12, 2018 at the HLAA Altoona chapter monthly meeting.
About Hamilton Relay
Hamilton Relay provides contracted Traditional Relay and Captioned Telephone services through 24 contracts to 18 states, the District of Columbia and the Island of Saipan, and is a provider of Internet-based Captioned Telephone services nationwide. More information is available at hamiltonrelay.com.