Kathy Miller is dedicated to improving the lives of Iowans who are deaf and has earned the respect of her peers through her leadership and commitment to both herself and her community. Kathy has been instrumental in keeping Iowans informed about what is happening across the state and across the nation as it relates to the Deaf Community.
Involved with numerous organizations, clubs and activities throughout Iowa, Kathy is currently serving her second term as President of the Iowa Association of the Deaf and was chairperson for the Association’s 2013 Conference. She was selected to serve as Iowa’s Delegate to the National Association of the Deaf Conferences and National Association of the Deaf Leadership Training Conference. Additionally, Kathy is a member and officer of the Council Bluffs Silent Club.
As a passionate advocate for early detection of hearing loss, Kathy is involved with the Iowa Early Detection and Intervention Program. She volunteers with students of the Iowa School for the Deaf to assist with transportation to the Junior National Association for the Deaf meetings and to help connect students to the Association’s Advisor. Furthermore, Kathy has served on the Iowa Board of Regent’s Iowa School for the Deaf Feasibility Study and Planning Committee.
We commend Kathy Miller for the difference she is making in the lives of Iowans who are deaf and we are pleased to honor the work that she is doing with the Hamilton Relay 2013 Deaf Community Leader Award.
This leadership recognition has been brought to you by Hamilton Relay.
About Hamilton Relay
Hamilton Relay provides contracted Telecommunications Relay and/or Captioned Telephone services to 16 states and the Island of Saipan, and is a provider of Internet-based Captioned Telephone services nationwide. More information is available at hamiltonrelay.com.