Heather Niedbala is a compassionate leader and tireless advocate, dedicated to making a difference in the lives of individuals who are deaf. Currently employed with Perspectives Corporation, a home-based therapeutic team, she works with children who are deaf as well as their families, to implement behavior modification techniques. In this role, she also teaches American Sign Language (ASL) through the agency to staff and community members, seamlessly working with both deaf and hearing staff, parents and community members.
Heather is actively involved in numerous organizations and agencies across the state of Rhode Island where she has had a positive impact on the lives of many individuals. Currently, Heather serves as Vice President for the Rhode Island Commission of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (RICDHH). Previously, she served RICDHH in other capacities such as Board Member and Volunteer.
For the past two years, Heather has served as a Deaf Member at Large for the Rhode Island Registry of Interpreters (RIRID). In this role, she is instrumental in conveying the importance of ethical and friendly interpreters. In addition, Heather served as Vice President and Interim President of the Rhode Island Association for the Deaf (RIAD) where she coordinated ASL movie and dinner nights at the Rhode Island School for the Deaf. Most recently, she accepted a volunteer position on the Rhode Island School for the Deaf Board of Trustees. Prominently known for bringing deaf community members together, Heather also hosts Deaf Night Out events in Rhode Island.
In an effort to educate the public on how to interact with individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Heather established an ASL Kickball Team under the Providence Kickball League. Every Saturday, approximately 100 individuals - deaf, hearing and hard of hearing - get together for the games allowing for a place to socialize with each other and to learn and practice ASL.
We commend Heather for her leadership throughout the state and are proud to present her with the 2013 Deaf Community Leader Award for the State of Rhode Island. This leadership recognition has been brought to you by Hamilton Relay.
About Hamilton Relay
Hamilton Relay provides contracted Telecommunications Relay and/or Captioned Telephone services to 16 states and the Island of Saipan, and is a provider of Internet-based Captioned Telephone services nationwide. More information is available at hamiltonrelay.com.