Evan Brunell of Worcester, Massachusetts is deeply dedicated to bettering the lives of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. As an adult with hearing loss, Evan demonstrates a strong commitment to supporting the youth in the everyday challenges they may face.
Evan is extremely active in the Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech. He participates in the mentor program for teenagers who are deaf, hard of hearing or have difficulty speaking. He has experience in speaking at seminars and led the Making Connections! workshop for teens at Clarke’s Annual Mainstream Conference. For the past two years, Evan mentored teens with hearing loss in developing leadership and advocacy skills through his role as camp counselor at Clarke Summer Camp.
In addition to his work with children and teenagers, Evan serves as president of the Massachusetts chapter of Alexander Graham Bell (AG Bell). He is responsible for rejuvenating the organization through event planning and activities that support the mission of AG Bell. Since May 2012, Evan has served as Board of Directors Trustee for the National AG Bell chapter in Washington, DC. Through his position on the board, he was involved in the creation and implementation of the 2013 strategic plan and is the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Network Committee Chair for the 2014 Convention.
When Evan is not volunteering his time, he works as Marketing Director and Account Supervisor for a local business. He is also a baseball columnist who regularly contributes his writings to numerous publications.
This leadership recognition has been brought to you by Hamilton Relay.
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Hamilton Relay provides contracted Telecommunications Relay and/or Captioned Telephone services to 16 states and the Island of Saipan, and is a provider of Internet-based Captioned Telephone services nationwide. More information is available at hamiltonrelay.com.