For over 10 years, through several established award programs, Hamilton Relay has celebrated the contributions and accomplishments of leaders who reside in the communities that we serve.
In 2023, these awards were combined into one, forming the Community Leader Award. This award is available to individuals who are deaf, DeafBlind, hard of hearing, late-deafened or have difficulty speaking and who have demonstrated strong leadership and volunteerism within their communities. We’ve had the honor of getting to know great leaders across the country and are thrilled to present this new award on a national level.
Our first winner is Brandy Bordelon, an integral part of the Deaf community in Louisiana. She’s dedicated to keeping Deaf and DeafBlind members of the community connected and informed, particularly in emergency situations. As part of this effort, Brandy founded the Louisiana Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing (DDBHH) Disaster Survivors Support Network in 2020.
Additionally, Brandy is a member of the Statewide Independent Living Council, the Emergency Management Disability and Aging Coalition and the Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Association. She volunteers in Community Emergency Response Training. Her efforts in emergency management were recognized in 2023 through dedication awards from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP).
We thank Brandy for her dedication and service to the Louisiana community and are proud to present her with the 2023 National Community Leader Award.
Do you know someone who deserves recognition for their commitment to volunteerism, leadership, advocacy and enhancing the lives of those around them? Nominate them for the 2024 Community Leader Award at HamiltonRelay.com/CommunityLeader.