Becky Kendall of Acworth, Georgia has been selected as the recipient of the Hamilton Relay 2020 Better Hearing and Speech Month Recognition Award for the state of Georgia. According to her peers, Becky is a strong leader in her community and very deserving of recognition.
Becky first attended a Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) meeting several years ago to learn more about hearing loss. She quickly became involved and is now a key member of the Woodstock/Northwest Metro Atlanta chapter. In addition to her leadership in the chapter, she also helped grow attendance and membership.
Becky consistently searches for more information and resources for fellow chapter members by contacting audiologists, movie theatre managers and other specialists in the field of hearing loss to share with the group. She also serves as a state coordinator for HLAA and has hosted meetings for the statewide office in her home.
We commend Becky for her leadership and enthusiasm and are proud to present her with the 2020 Better Hearing and Speech Month Recognition Award for the state of Georgia.