Andrew “Andy” Fitzenrider of Seattle, Washington has been selected as the recipient of the Hamilton Relay 2018 Better Hearing and Speech Month Recognition Award for the state of Washington. The award ceremony will take place on Thursday, May 24 from 2-5 p.m. at Blake Office Park West’s Washington Room in Lacey, Washington.
Andy is was nominated by his peers because of his passionate work at the local, state and national level in regards to educating the public about speech disabilities and the use and availability of Speech-to-Speech (STS) relay services. Andy is always eager to meet with people and speak to his experience as a stutterer and being able to use the telephone via STS relay service.
Andy serves on the Speech Communications Technology board and maintains their Facebook page. At the University of Washington, he speaks to graduate students each year about stuttering and STS. He is also a member and former chapter leader of the National Stuttering Association in Seattle, Washington and Columbus, Ohio and is a supporter of Camp Shout Out, a residential summer camp for children who stutter.
In addition to his community involvement, Andy has published several articles about his experiences. He also works on strategies on how best to reach speech language pathologists and other professionals who work with individuals who stutter. He does most of this on his own time and is a strong ambassador for the stuttering community.
We commend Andy for his tireless activism and leadership and are proud to present him with the Hamilton Relay 2018 Better Hearing and Speech Month Recognition Award for the state of Washington.
This leadership recognition has been brought to you by Hamilton Relay.
About Hamilton Relay
Hamilton Relay provides contracted Traditional Relay and Captioned Telephone services through 24 contracts to 18 states, the District of Columbia and the Island of Saipan, and is a provider of Internet-based Captioned Telephone services nationwide. More information is available at hamiltonrelay.com.