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RCC (Remote Conference Captioning)

RCC (Remote Conference Captioning)

Remote Conference Captioning (RCC) offers real-time captioning through the use of Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) service, allowing individuals who have difficulty hearing what’s being said over the phone during conference calls to read text of what all participants are saying. This service provides a clear understanding of what’s said and allows the individual with hearing loss to participate in conference calls in a more effective manner.

How RCC Works

How Hamilton Relay Remote Conference Captioning Works
  • The RCC user will receive a link in order to view text. A computer or mobile device along with an Internet connection is required.
  • The captioner will need access to the audio portion of the call through either an audio conference line or other method.
  • Once the call is connected, the captioner listens to the conversation and produces real-time streaming text, which is sent over the Internet. The text shows up just seconds after someone has spoken.
  • At any time, the RCC user can scroll up to review text.
  • The RCC user has the option to receive a raw, unedited transcript from the captioner within one full business day.
  • For more details about RCC, please see these Frequently Asked Questions.

Technical Requirements To Use Remote Conference Captioning

  • Audio conference line or virtual connection access for the captioner so they may listen to the audio portion of the call.
  • A computer, tablet or smartphone with access to the Internet.

There is no software to download in order to use RCC and access to RCC services will be available via link provided.

Live Chat is available during the following hours:

Monday – Friday:
8:30 AM to 12:30 AM Eastern

Saturday, Sunday:
11:00 AM to 6:30 PM Eastern