Nancy Kingsley of Lancaster, Pennsylvania makes a great impression in the deaf and hard of hearing community as being the “go to” person when advocating for the rights of individuals with hearing loss. She lends her knowledge of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to the many organizations in which she participates.
Nancy serves as the Chairperson for the Lancaster County chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) and the Director and Advocacy Chairperson for HLAA - Pennsylvania. She also serves on the Advisory council for the Pennsylvania Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ODHH) where she is influential in enhancing the lives of individuals who provide and receive ODHH’s services.
Nancy also serves on a committee dedicated to educating organizations and event venues on the need for captions, FM systems and hearing loops. Through her work with this committee she was able to bring captions to the Fulton Theater in Lancaster, PA.
Nancy is currently enrolled in Gallaudet University’s Peer Mentoring Program where she learns how to take her passion for advocacy one step further. The program is designed to help students problem-solve and establish goals for improving the quality of life for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and ensure that equal and appropriate access to means of communication is available to them.
We commend Nancy Kingsley for her advocacy and dedication to improving the lives of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and are pleased to present her with the Hamilton Relay 2014 Better Hearing and Speech Month Recognition Award for the State of Pennsylvania.
This leadership recognition has been brought to you by Hamilton Relay.
About Hamilton Relay
Hamilton Relay provides contracted Telecommunications Relay and/or Captioned Telephone services to 16 states and the Island of Saipan, and is a provider of Internet-based Captioned Telephone services nationwide. More information is available at hamiltonrelay.com.