Dr. Frank Lala is a rehabilitation counselor for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing for Georgia’s Department of Human Services in Savannah, GA. Dr. Lala, who has a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Health and Human Services, came to Georgia from California 5 years ago. At that time, he noticed that there were very few events or advocacy services available for individuals who are deaf.
In order to revolutionize how the deaf community envisions change and emphasize the importance of self-advocacy, Dr. Lala founded the Chatham County Association of the Deaf (CCAD). He has promoted the provision of interpreters and the use of Video Relay Services in hospitals and health care centers and has educated the public via speaking engagements, presentations and media about the needs and rights of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Dr. Lala has also served on various boards and committees such as Georgia Association of the Deaf (GAD), National Association of the Deaf (NAD), Life Independence for Everyone (LIFE), Savannah-Chatham Council on Disability Issues (SCCDI), Chatham County Association of the Deaf for Public Relations, World Marital Arts Association of the Deaf and American Marital Arts Association for the Deaf (AMAAD).
Dr. Lala has also worked with the local government to ensure that individuals who are deaf are considered and appropriately notified of any news related to emergency/disaster situations. He participated in Chatham Emergency Management Agency’s Chatham Co. Hurricane evacuation exercise to train evacuation workers on how to work with Deaf individuals in such emergencies.
In 2010, Dr. Lala was a recipient of the Vocational Rehabilitation’s Southeast Regional Institute on Deafness - Outstanding Deaf/Hard of Hearing Citizen Award for his work and contributions to the Deaf community.
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